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Why Your Child Should Learn STEM

Why Your Child Should Learn STEM

What is STEM Education? 

Most parents have heard of STEM classes, but what does STEM actually mean and why should your child participate in these courses?  The word, “STEM”  is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. When art is added to the curriculum, the acronym is changed to STEAM to include this aspect. 

Why is STEM Important?

It is easy to understand the need to learn science and math, but what about technology and engineering?  Why are they important?  The world in which we live is evolving rapidly and is very focused on technological advances, such as computers, smart phones and AI to improve and enhance our lives.  In order for our children to be successful and competitive in the world, they need to be able to keep up with technology. STEM education  will help them along on their journey to having a successful career and a bright future..  

While STEM includes the study of math and science, STEM courses  are usually not classes that simply teach one discipline such as biology or algebra.  They are problem-based experiences that combine the four areas (science, technology, engineering, and math) in a way in which students are involved in collaborative team learning groups.  Students are challenged to  identify and solve on a real-life problems while engaging in an active learning process. Often, the student groups decide on a problem to solve within a framework, do research, devise solutions, build prototypes to demonstrate their solution, and share their solutions with the whole class. 

How does the STEM experience actually work?  

Using an example, the process can be more clearly understood.  If a group decides that the problem they wish to solve is that of a blind person having difficulty getting around.  They would do research to determine how large the blind population is, what other solutions already exist to help them navigate, and what blind people think would be helpful for them. They may interview experts or even blind people to get their opinions of products that would help them.  Then they would use the information obtained and brainstorm solutions, choose the best idea and begin to design their product. High school students might use technology, such as Arduino microcontrollers to create a smart device using sensors and actuators.  An example of such an invention could be a walking cane that uses a proximity sensor to detect walls or other obstacles.  If an obstacle is detected, the cane would then alert the blind person using a vibration motor on the handle of the cane.  Once the invention is created, students would prepare presentations to explain the problem they chose, their research, their creative process, and their working prototype.  

Not all STEM projects need to be as complex as the one described above.  A project can be as simple as learning to design a bridge.  The challenge might be to build a light-weight bridge out of popsicle sticks that spans a certain distance and can support the most weight.  Students would first research bridge designs, then brainstorm ideas, and build their bridges.  The bridges can then be tested during a contest, where the winning team is the one who built the bridge with highest ratio of weight supported to bridge weight.  

What skills are learned in STEM?

Projects such as these provide opportunities for children to learn valuable skills that cannot learned from ordinary content-based classes. The following are some of the skills that can be attained through project-based STEM classes:

  1. Problem Solving: 
    Students are often challenged to think of multiple solutions to a problem during the brainstorming phase of a project.  They may be asked to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each idea and why they decided on the solution they finally chose.   During the building phase, things don’t always go smoothly and the students will need to analyze what went wrong and devise solutions to fix the problems that arise in order to have a successful project.

  2. Logical Reasoning:  
    Students will need to analyze a problem and think through the process of inventing their prototype in a systematic way.  If something doesn’t work the way they thought it would, they will need to reassess the situation and find ways to overcome it. They will also need to explain why their solution is a logical answer to the problem at hand and why they didn’t choose a different solution to the problem.

  3. Attention to Detail:
    There are many details to focus on when working on a long-term project.  Students will need to be aware of the criteria and constraints required for a project, such as budget limitations, size limitations, and deadlines.   They will also need to monitor their work along the way to make sure that they are meeting all the requirements by the assignment deadlines.
  4. Critical Thinking: 
    STEM projects provide students opportunities to interpret, evaluate and analyze their work.  They will learn to make logical connections between ideas in order to see the large picture.  

  5. Abstract Thinking:  
    In order to invent their product, students will need to develop the ability to think about a concept in an abstract rather than a concete way. Abstract thinking is needed in order to create things, solve problems, and analyze situations. It is also necessary when students need to empathize with the people who they are trying to help with their invention.

  6. Algorithmic Thinking: 
    An algorithm is series of logical steps or formulas used to solve a series of similar problems.  Rather than simply solve the problem at hand, it can be used to solve any problem of a similar nature.  The ability to take a complex problem, break it down into simpler steps, and apply patterns or logical rules to solve it is known as algorithmic thinking.  When students learn to write code, for example, they are developing algorithmic thinking.

  7. Strategic Thinking: 
    Strategic thinkers look at the big picture and the long-term implications of their solution.  They analyze situations, make informed decisions, and predict future situations.  STEM projects provide ample opportunity for such strategic thinking.              
  8. Teamwork: 
    Most STEM classes involve projects in which students work together in teams.  These projects may last a few days to a few months and require that students collaborate.  Students may wish to divvy up jobs or they may choose to do everything together, but the main goal is on working well together as a unified team.  It is important for students to understand that they each need to be responsible and contribute their fair share to the overall success of the project.  

  9. Communication Skills: 
    The final step of most STEM-based projects is to share the results with the other teams. Students will need to clearly communicate their results or projects with the class or to a larger audience, such as the parent or school body. This can be done using the standard “Science Fair” trifold display boards where students stand by their projects to explain them, or it can be done more formally using a slideshow presentation of their work and process.

How do Students Benefit from STEM Education?

In addition to the skill set acquired listed above, students in STEM classes benefit in other ways. Students who engage in STEM classes in middle and high school benefit in the many ways.  These students:

  1. Have Self-Confidence:  
    Students who have had successful experiences in STEM learn that they are able to be successful and experience a boost to their self -confidence.  They learn that they can meet a challenge head-on and have the confidence that they can overcome it.

  2. Become Lifelong Learners:  
    They understand the importance of continuing their education. They obtained the skills needed to learn new material  on their own and they have seen how doing so has paid off.  

  3. Develop Perseverance: 
    Most projects are not successful the first time.  Students learn to keep trying new ways to solve the problems that inevitably arise during a project.  They learn that resilience and perseverance help them achieve their goals.

  4. Get High-Paying Job: 
    STEM education provides the necessary skills for students to get high-paying jobs in various fields, especially engineering, that are in high demand.  Students who engage in STEM activities are prepared for a future filled with technology and innovation.

  5. Express Creativity: 
    Students learn that they can express their creativity through project-based learning.  They learn to think out-of-the-box and design unique solutions to problems.

  6. Have Academic Rate of Success: 
    Studies have shown that STEM education has a positive effect on academic achievements. Students learn to work hard and the skills they attain from these activities follow stay with them as they pursue higher education.


Overall, STEM education is extremely valuable to children.  Parents can give their children an educational edge by providing opportunities for their children to engage in STEM activities.  If your child’s school does not offer STEM classes, parents can look elsewhere for classes.  There may be after-school enrichment classes, local city-sponsored classes, summer camps, or online opportunities that offer classes in robotics, coding or other STEM- related learning opportunities.  

Your child does not need to be interested in pursuing a career in science or engineering in order to benefit from the skills they attain from STEM classes.  Providing your child with opportunities to engage in STEM activities will go a long way to help them develop the skills to prepare them for the challenges of living in the ever-changing complex technological world in which we live.  

Elene is a certified teacher who has taught a wide variety of science and engineering classes in private schools for the past 30 years and online for the past 4 years.  She holds a Masters Degree in Chemistry and has led her students to win prizes at local and national science and innovation fairs.  Her classes focus on scientific experimentation and Arduino coding.  She is also available for private tutoring in Chemistry and Arduino coding. For more information, please refer to her bio on IndyEd at and her website.

We'd love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment below.

Our oldest has been involved with a nonprofit called Black Girls Code for several years. She has tremendous confidence form her STEM knowledge (not in small part because it's a skill her parents don't have). :)
We're just getting our 10yr old exposed and he's viewing it as fun and similar to a video game. Great article!
Thanks so much!  I am glad you enjoyed the article.  I hope your daughter stays involved in STEM education.  I teach several Arduino coding classes and I would love to teach your children!

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